11 Best Ways To Increase Your Website Traffic

Ambiguous Solutions
6 min readMay 6, 2021

Having a website in 2021 is undoubtedly not the thing you will miss out on. It has become an essential part of everybody’s life today. Whether you own a business or a freelancer, the website is not the thing you will leave behind. Everybody knows how important it is to have a website in this era of huge competition everywhere. Everything we see today on the internet is a type of business running somewhere in the world.

You know more than 1.7 billion websites are on the internet today at this time, but less than 200 million websites are active right now. Websites are been made daily, every minute, every second, even right now. But not all are made to preserve that longer; they lose their traffic because they don’t know how to run them by the most robust methods. Creating a website is very easy these days, but maintaining them is the chunk you have to digest hardly.

Don’t worry, we are here to take care of your every website in the most mature way and providing tips to increase your website traffic for free. In this blog, we will cover some strongest techniques which can save your website from getting drowned at any stage and increase your website traffic. Let’s get started:

Below are the 11 most approved & most mature ways to increase your website traffic so that you can go boundless with your work. At the end of this article, you’ll have peace of mind for your website.

Follow Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Website

1. Search Engine Optimization

The only thing that can tell and predict your website's health is Search Engine Optimization. You have to play your SEO game stronger than before because google algorithms constantly change, and you can’t do anything about it but keep updated your website always to rank better. Always update your content with time, topic & trends in the market, this is the best way to rank better & sustain in the market.

2. Guest Post Writing

The most common yet the most powerful way to gather an audience for your website. For every piece of content you write for the guest, you link back your website in their content, which benefits in:

>Increasing traffic to your website

>Rising brand awareness of your business & content

>Rising in the number of backlinks

You don’t need to give the hard sell. Simply notice your product or service where applicable. As far as we can tell, most site owners permit this as long as it’s not very pushy.

3. Promote Your Content

We all have heard that our content is the king! Is that completely true? Absolutely not! The one who creates the content is the king & the content is just the jungle where like you, tons of articles are there, but what makes you stand out there and be king of the jungle is what will define you in this game.

Promoting your content in this jungle is the most crucial part, without which you’ll not survive. There are some of the most reliable & trusted communities out there. For example:

  • Instagram Channels
  • Facebook Groups
  • Google ads
  • Quora

>Instagram is the most lucrative & highly activated tool today to boost your traffic on the website. Post your work on Instagram by making a page that can take the viewers to your website. Don’t forget to mention your website on every post you make on Instagram.

>Just like Instagram, even Facebook is the most powerful source to generate a huge audience for your website. It has the highest amount of traffic on its app, with the highest users on any social media app. Post your short pieces of websites over there & make people crave your website.

>We all every time see a number of ads on the internet which are never-ending. Hence make your google ad account & showcase your website. This may cost you few bucks but the results are awesome.

>Quora is the most popular platform to answer & make your questions go worldwide. Hence, promote your website on quora by giving answers to the questions people ask over there so that they should move to your website immediately.

4. Present Actively on Social Platforms

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Quora & Youtube are some of the most actively & highly used social media platforms on the web right now. Mark your presence over there by daily posting & engage your audience tightly to your content.

5. Collaborations

To easily highlight the media, this can be the most sharp-pointed way you can go through. Collaborate with other bloggers in your niche. Make conversation, tips & tricks & how-to videos with them. Solve your audience's problems by taking their questions through Twitter.

6. Start Making Podcasts

Making podcasts is a sure-shot platform you shouldn’t miss. Podcasts are the most consumed content today after videos. People like to hear whenever they’re working; they’re traveling. Make podcasts & directly speaking out about your website can surely bring a huge audience to your website.

7. Making & Ranking Videos on Youtube

Videos on youtube are still surpassing every SEO algorithm made for youtube video marketing. Get to know your target audience & post videos at the same time, same day consistently. Till now, it is proved by many that youtube has brought most of the website traffic.

Don’t just go & make videos, wait:

a)Keyword Research your content:

there are billions of videos uploaded daily on youtube, but researching which keyword is trending at the moment & most trending keywords of all the time can help you save a lot of time & shoot sharply where you need to.

b)Satisfy your search intent:

the audience coming at your channel on YT, your content should satisfy their search intent. That’s when your audience will stick to you.

8. Q & A Sessions

Doing Q & A and live sessions on your youtube or even on your website can help you gain huge audience coverage at the global level. Make a “button” on your website through which you can collect responses & questions for your audience.

9. Engage More Than Before

We all see the daily vloggers on youtube have a huge following & huge interactions going on around them. Consistency is the factor that allows them to open to a wider audience everywhere on every platform. Increase your engagement like never before, interact with your audience, reply to comments regularly.

10. Start Being Active on Linked In

Linkedin is the most powerful tool for creating a very genuine & helpful, and highly responsive audience. Make the best profile on Linkedin, which just talks about your business & its services. Post resources about how your business is trying to help the people out there.

11. Find the High Volume, Low Competition Keywords

There are many tools like “SemRush” out there, showing how your keyword is competing in the digital market. Search those keywords, make a list of them and choose which suits best for your website. Always strive to find the “best in the market”.

For example, keywords like. “top, best, top 5, top 10, best of, best 5, etc ranks a lot higher on search engine optimization always.


Hope this article helps you gain peace of mind for your websites and you got useful tips for increase your website traffic. After reading this post, you must have got a clear idea of how to proceed on your journey to increasing traffic on your websites. Share this if you felt it helped. Engaging consistently, online advertising, and making a strong presence on social media are such tactics that can help you gain your visitors.



Ambiguous Solutions

Ambiguous Solutions is a team of people who helps people in Digital world. Team develop mobile apps, websites, design creatives, SEO, SMO, PPC and lot more.