Top 10 alternative games to play after PUBG ban in India ?
After the ban of PUBG, Many gamers are too serious about the game. The government banned these apps due to security issue of the country. The alternative of every app and game is available over the Internet. When the Tiktok banned, the Instagram reels and other apps launched to fulfil the space of Tiktok. Same here, to fulfil the space of PUBG, lots of other game available like Call of Duty, Fortnite, etc. There are many creators from YouTube or other resources making money from PUBG through streaming. The teenager are mostly spend time on the PUBG.
There are disadvantages of PUBG are:-
1) Gaming Addiction.
2) Extremely Violent.
3) Less Socially Active.
4) Affect Physical and mental health.
5) Disturb your study and sleep pattern.
It will affect the life of the student and not able to focus on the career.
If you want to develop your own app which has unique idea to fulfill the space of PUBG, Consult with Ambiguous Solution.